Restriction of using transaction menus before SOL date change after initiation of HISCOD
- There are instances where unverified transactions exist even after execution HISCOD which results in failure of sol change of date during EOD.
- This is because of doing transactions at the time of execution of HISCOD
- To prevent this, HTM, CTM, HXFER, CXFER menus are restricted for access after HISCOD initiation and before completion of HSCOD i.e., SOL date change
- If the user is trying to use any of these 4 menus, user will get the following error
“Menu option is blocked as HISCOD is submitted for this SOL. After SOL date change this menu is available for the user”
- It has been requested to Infosys to include all other transaction menus for restricting the access between HISCOD and HSCOD execution