Steps to follow before transferring an account from one
to other SOL
Kindly follow
the following steps while transferring the accounts from one SOL to other SOL.
1. Invoke CNAC menu to find the new number from old
number the format is SOLID+SCHEME+OLD NUMBER Ex:-50000300MIS123456.This will
give you the new number and CIF note them.
In order to
transfer the account from one SOL to other SOL menu is HACXFSOL
Check the
customer signature before transferring an account and take fresh KYC and
Before doing the
transfer kindly check the pending sundry amount and ECS status for the account
If sundry amount
is pending first withdraw the amount if you forget then it will throw the error
after transferring the account i.e.,"Inter SOL operations can only be
inquired " For example if you transfer an account from Bangalore to
Secunderabad, if you forget to withdraw the due sundry amount and you have
transferred before withdrawing the account will be in Secunderabad SOL and due
sundry amount will be Bangalore sundry account if you try in this case to
withdraw the due sundry amount(which was in Bangalore sundry office account)
then system will throw the said error.So make a practice to withdraw the due
amount and then transfer the account.
If ECS is
enabled for the account then the account modification will throw an error after
transferring the acocunt if ECS is not enabled to your office(Error will be
"ECS branch setup is not there") So take precaution before
In case of PPF
accounts with defaulted installments pending then the transfer will not affect
the system will throw an error as shown